Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Letting my Geek hang out!

One of the things that I think makes me quirky is how utterly geeky I am. I have had no less than three geek-fest sessions so far this week, and it's only Wednesday! I staunchly refuse to apologize for how geeky I am. Sometimes I even wish I was more of a geek, but only in a minor way. I would like to be a bit more of a gamer girl. I have very little hand-eye coordination, and that makes a bad gamer.

I geek out over quite a few things. I am a Trekkie from birth. I love Star Wars as well, but not with the undying passion that I love Star Trek with. I even visited the Star Trek Experience in Las Vegas with my family last summer. My family jokes that I am a big fan of the Whedon-verse with the exception of Dollhouse. I love Battlestar Galactica, Eureka, Sanctuary, and both Stargate SG-1 & Atlantis. I am really excited about the upcoming Caprica and Stargate Universe series! I would rather starve than give up my SyFy subscription.

I am also a big fan of BBC Television. I would love for Dr. Who to come pick me up and take me traveling in his TARDIS. I am, however, a New Who fan, which some consider not a fan at all. If I could pick a Doctor to travel with, I'd say 10, hands down. I want to work for Torchwood in Cardiff and snog Captain Jack. Ianto would do for snogging as well! I also want to go traveling through anomalies with the team on Primeval. I wouldn't mind at all having Being Human's trio of ghost, werewolf, and vampire as flatmates.

I had a "Where would you live if you lived in Middle Earth?" conversation with my friends in my apartment complex once. (I would live part time in Rivendell and part time as a Rider of Rohan, btw!) I had a bit of a crush on Legolas. I have crocheted a Harry Potter house scarf and bear a Ravenclaw house sticker on my car. I even cried through the last 40 pages of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

I read with a passion and breadth that I've never had matched by anyone else I know. My first love is fantasy, though. I love the dragons of Irene Radford, the Dragonlance Chronicles, and George R.R. Martin's Song of Fire and Ice. The magic of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time and Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth entrance me. I want to be Chosen by one of Mercedes Lackey's Companions more than anything because I was horse-crazy as a kid.

The point of all these geeky things is simply this: I am going to Dragon*Con this coming weekend in Atlanta. I am beyond excited about this. One of my friends even made fun of me for singing Dragon*Con every time I said it. This is my first Convention of the sort that I have ever attended. No, I am not dressing up. Yes, I hope to meet Patrick Stewart, Garret Wang, Charlaine Harris, and any other number of people!

Most of all, I am hoping to get hit on by fellow geeks at the Con. I know for a fact that I am not the only female who enjoys such geeky viewing and reading habits. I have a handful of girlfriends who are just as geeky. Luckily, they're in my knitting group and I get to geek out with them on a weekly basis. I do expect that I'll be outnumbered by men at Dragon*Con. Oh, the geeky pick-up lines! I can only imagine.

I intend to tweet and blog from Dragon*Con, so follow me on Twitter (@busweet) if you're not already, and keep checking back for updates!


  1. YAY! Rock out with your sock out....?? Bad knitting reference perhaps but the point is I hope you have a freakin' fabulous time at Dragon*Con. I'm so glad you get to go and get your geek on. We expect to hear about it all when you come back for our weekly geek-out sessions! :)

  2. Ah man, the Dragonlance Chronicles. I grew up feeling like the Heroes of the Lance were my friends.

  3. Have a great time and geek out until your heart is content. It was nice meeting you at blogher and I apologize to taking so long to come visit.
