Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Single Girl's Dating

Now that I'm no longer the single girl, I've changed the url for my blog. Now, it's http://quirkydatinggirl.blogspot.com. Please change your bookmarks to follow me!

Instead of blogging about how happy I am to be single, I'll be blogging about how happy I am to be dating. Not really. I wasn't particularly happy to hear about other people's wonderful relationships when I was single, and I feel absolutely no need to make anyone else feel that way. In fact, I'd totally like to avoid it.

I've been single much, much more of my life than I've been in a relationship. It's been long enough since my last relationship that I have to figure out what I'm doing all over again! There are pitfalls as a dater that I've made in the past and seriously want to avoid this time around.

First up on the list is not losing my sense of identity simply because I'm dating someone. I have a tendency to change for the person I'm dating. I know that yes, there is a certain amount of compromise inherent in a relationship. You will change each other in various ways. At the same time, it's important not to give up your friends, your time to yourself, your interests, simply because they are not things that your partner shares.

I'd like to think that I'm on the right track so far in this relationship. I want to share my interests with him (henceforth known as GeekBoy), and he wants to share his interests with me. We have long conversations about anything and everything, and we are finding the common ground between us. We've discovered a shared love for The Venture Brothers (his interest originally) and text each other quotes from the show. GeekBoy wants to learn to knit(my interest!), and I can't wait to teach him. We are also both vegetarian, and I cooked for him for the first time last night. He was apprehensive because he'd never had what I fixed before--tofu--but tried it and liked it!

It really is a joy just to find things that we both enjoy.


  1. Eek I hope this horrible relationship thing never spoils my dating blog :-) Well done...less competition woop woop...
    Just kidding, loving your work and good luck.

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