Saturday, August 8, 2009

I love being single!

Being bombarded with the message from every direction that I should be in a relationship, I have to stop and think about what I like about being single. So, here's my list:

I always get the remote control! I get to watch anything I want to, with nobody to fight with over which program is going to be on. Plus, I get to mute the commercials! No wrestling on my TV.

I get to spend all of my money on myself. Yeah, this is kind of a selfish thing. I'm not saying that I do spend all my money on myself at all. I love to buy gifts for my friends and family, something to make them smile.

I can travel whenever I want. I don't have to persuade someone to go somewhere with me or debate over where it is that we will go. I'm not saying that always happens--it's just been my experience!

I get the whole bed to myself! No snoring to wake me up. No one hogging the covers! No one rolling over in the middle of the night and whacking me with a knee or an elbow.

I don't have to clean up after anyone else. The mess I make is mine to clean up. Plus, I don't have to suit someone else with how clean my apartment is.

I can decorate however I want. None of those wagon wheel tables like the one in When Harry Met Sally! No "action figures" hanging on the wall, perched on shelves, or in nooks and crannies of the house.

A clean bathroom! I never have to worry about whether or not the toilet seat is up or down! No one misses the toilet seat while they're using it.

My time is mine. I can choose to stay in bed and read all day if I want. I don't have to persuade someone to go out(again, experience!) or debate where to go if we do go out. I can go ice skating or swimming or hiking without having to share the decision with someone else.

I can go to any movie I want. This actually isn't such a big deal for me. I love action, comedy, and sci-fi movies! I actually try to avoid going to the chick flicks any more.

I always get to pick where to eat. If I want to go out to eat, I go where I'm in the mood for. I don't have to nix places I don't like to eat. If I stay in, I make whatever I want, too!

Those are the ones that spring to mind right now. I will probably add to it as I think of more. I'd love to hear what other ladies think are the best things about being single, too.