Monday, February 15, 2010

What do I love about myself?

I was on Twitter today as I often am, and came across someone Tweeting at Dove. They've had a campaign called Love your Body since 2006 if my Googling is correct. Dove's twitter stream posed this question last week: Love is on everyone’s mind this week, but we want to know – what do you love about yourself?

I thought it was a particularly pertinent question to ask! If you don't know the positive and excellent things about yourself, how will you be able to play to your strengths? How will you be able to be a strong and self-confident woman(or man)? We are always focusing on the negatives in our society(in my opinion), but never take the time to praise our own good qualities. As a teacher, I was taught that it takes something like 6 compliments to overcome the damage that one piece of criticism does. What does that mean we are doing to ourselves?

So, as a belated Valentine's post, here are the things I love about myself:

1. My smile! I have a smile that is always at the ready--for students, for friends, for loved ones. I am usually in a good mood, and it doesn't take much to make me smile. I'd like to think that it's infectious, but I'd have to consult other authorities on that. It's also an attractive smile! I have nice teeth and I'm not afraid to show them when I smile.

2. My shoulders! A much overlooked part of the body, in my opinion. My shoulders have just the right curve and are a nice creamy white color with freckles!

3. My ability to relate to just about anyone! I get along with all ages, from preschoolers all the way up to grandmas and papaws. I love listening to the little ones learn--it helps me remember being awed by knowledge. I love listening to the stories of my elders. They've lived through some interesting times!

4. My extensive vocabulary! I've never met a word I didn't love. I have a compulsion to read pretty much everything, and you hardly ever find me without a book in hand. I rarely come across new words that I don't know unless I'm playing at I rarely get a chance to use much of my vocabulary because I don't want to talk over people's heads. BTW, this applies mainly to the students with learning disabilities that I work with! I'm not trying to be arrogant.

5. My way with words! I am a good writer, a good public speaker, and I can say things in different ways so that my students with disabilities can better understand them.

6. My insistence on excellence! If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right. I tackle projects with enthusiasm, and I'm not afraid to re-do it if it isn't up to my standards. I love a good challenge!

7. My love of learning! I truly believe that when you quit learning, you start dying. There's not much in the world that gives me more pleasure than learning something new. I want to learn something new every day. Learning keeps me young and enthusiastic. I think there's very little I can't learn to do.

8. My feet! I know, strange thing to love about yourself, but I do love my feet. They are well-proportioned, in my opinion. I don't have hairy toes or anything! They're quite nice feet as feet go, if a little stinky sometimes.

9. My ability to keep loving, no matter how many times my heart gets broken! I've been dumped. I've been left. I've had friends who treated me badly. I've been betrayed. Sadly, these are all parts of life, and all parts of relationships. Despite that, I am able to get back up, dust myself off, and try again. I can love my exes for who they are and what they taught me. I have enough love to go around. There is room in my heart for many friends, for family and adopted family, and hopefully only one more significant other! LOL.

I am sure there are other things that I love about myself, but nothing is springing to mind at the moment. I may have to come back and make a list in my journal of 100 Things I love about myself.

What do you love about yourself? Please, please, please share!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Definition of Single

I had a conversation with a friend of mine yesterday about what single really means. I had mentioned that I posted on Facebook that I didn't want ads for dating sites on my home page because I am enjoying being single. That's not strictly true, but I need to be single right now in order to sort my feelings out again. No dating quite yet.

My guy friend said that he hates it when girls say that. He said that he doesn't know what it means when girls say they're single. Are they looking for a boyfriend, for sex, or not at all? was his question. I told him that when I say I'm single, I'm not looking for anything. I'm the quirky girl, though, and I'm not necessarily like other girls.

I had to go back and think about it again later on that night. He's right. Single doesn't necessarily mean not looking for anything. You really do have to define what it is you're looking for when you say that. Me? Not looking for anything right now. Still recovering from the end of a relationship. That won't last forever, though. Eventually I'll be looking for someone to date. I guess at that time, I'll have to specify that, too.

One day, I won't have to date any more, right?

Monday, February 8, 2010

First thing we do, let's cancel Valentine's Day

This might be a slightly bitter post. Just warnin' ya.

I vote we boycott Valentine's Day this year. No one is happy on Valentine's.

The singles feel miserable because they're reminded once again that they have no one. They stay at home and eat too much ice cream. They might watch sappy chick flicks and get weepy. If they're empowered and have awesome single girlfriends, they might go out in a group and party it up. Still, in the back of the mind, they will be wondering why they were not good enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough, not skinny enough, not enough to be in a relationship.

The guys in a couple are miserable because Valentine's Day presumes that they are not good at being someone's significant other. The assumption is that men always forget birthdays, anniversaries, and other important events. There are, of course, men who certainly fit right into that category. There are also men who remember all those dates. Then there are men who go above and beyond and send you flowers for no reason.

The women in relationships are miserable because of a few different things. One, their guy forgot Valentine's Day was coming up and got her flowers or chocolate from the gas station on the way home from work. Two, their guy remembered and got a thoughtful gift, but she has to cook dinner for him. There's that girl who was hoping for and anticipating a ring for Valentine's Day and didn't get it. And the absolute loser is the girl whose guy didn't care enough to get a gift or make arrangements for a night out. She's got to stay home, cook dinner while he puts his feet up, and still take care of the kids.

It seems to me that since no one is happy, we might as well quit making everyone miserable. Anyone want to write Congress with me?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

My Missing Piece

It has now been four weeks since I heard from GeekBoy. I had hoped that I would bounce back quickly. Unfortunately, this has not been the case. I still grieve for the loss of him. Not even the relationship, but simply his place in my life.

Most days are fine, but I think that not a day passes without thoughts of him. I know that he has left his job. Today, I discovered that he had deleted his Facebook account. It strangles me with sadness to know that he felt like he needed to do that. I had stopped checking the obituaries, but I checked them again today. I still fear that he decided to take his own life.

While I have closure about the relationship, I don't have closure about him. I still worry about him and ache for him. He was a victim of the cruelty of other people in his life. I wish that I had something of him, something tangible. It's probably best that I don't.

Today is one of the bad days. I can barely listen to the music that he shared with me. They tear me apart because I can hear his voice singing them. If I closed my eyes, I could imagine him here with me.

I am still waiting for this fierce heartache to pass.