Friday, November 13, 2009

Do opposites attract?

Oddly enough (or maybe not. I am a writer after all, and it doesn't take much to inspire me.), I found myself inspired by the journal prompt in the Language Arts class I was working with this morning. The prompt asked the students if opposites attract and what the students' future spouses would be like if opposites did attract(or vice versa). I used to think that opposites did attract. A couple of disastrous attempts at dating guys that were different than me taught me otherwise. There was the engineer who I had nothing to talk to about. There was a guy who wasn't as smart as I am. Call me a snob, but that's a struggle for me. I don't want to have to explain myself all the time.
The prompt made me start thinking about GeekBoy and the ways that we are similar and different. I think we are both caring people. I work with kids, and he works with animals. I find that I want to take care of him by feeding him, making sure he has clean clothes, and things like that. He does the same thing, but he wants to support me monetarily. We have different ways of showing the same impulse.
We are both somewhat bohemian. He knows who he is and is content with that. I know who I am, and am mostly content with that. There are definitely things that I would like to change about myself. He's mentioned some things that he would like to change about himself as well. Relatively minor things on both our parts, I think. We're both vegetarian, which is something that makes me really happy.
Of course, we are both wildly geeky. I went to Dragon*Con with my parents! And GeekBoy was jealous of me getting to go. I would have been jealous of him, had our situations been reversed. We both enjoy sci-fi and fantasy type things. His tastes tend toward being a bit darker than mine. He plays World of Warcraft and plays role playing games similar to Dungeons & Dragons, and I would probably play both. My geek tends toward reading and TV shows more than games. I am always happy to listen to him talk about his games, and he listens to me talk about my TV shows and books. We share watching The Venture Brothers, probably one of the geekiest cartoons ever made. One of the side effects of geekiness is that we're both kind of socially awkward. He uses manners to mitigate the effect on others. I think I use humor. I am always willing and ready to laugh at myself.
At the same time, we have characteristics that are vastly different. His life has been quite a bit more difficult than mine. He's got a lot of determination that I don't have because things have been easy for me. I know that I have a lot to learn from him in that area. I just wonder sometimes what he has to learn from me. I'm not saying that I don't have good qualities. I just wonder which of my characteristics he might choose to learn from me.