Monday, July 20, 2009

I'm Single, So What?

I'm 30 and still perpetually single. So what? Who cares? Obviously, I do! You should, too. Yes, you. Don't turn around and look behind you! More and more often, my story is becoming the story of others. The shape of relationships is changing, and the age at which people are getting married is getting older. I'm not the old maid or the odd woman out any more--I am the norm.

However, society still tells us single girls that we're doing something wrong, that we're meant to be in a relationship. Everywhere you turn, the world is built in pairs and groups. Where does the single person fit in?

That's where I come in. Not that I consider myself an expert on being single. Well, maybe I am! I've been single much more in my life than I've been in relationships. I realize the lack of people speaking on being single. I miss the advice that comes from other people in the same situation. If my story can help someone or someone can help me, that's the whole point. If we can get a laugh along the way, even better!

Come along on my journey with me.

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